Your Letter is mightier than the Sword

This page is for the Rule 11
(2023) SCOTUS Petition

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~ Mr. Smith goes to Washington ~
Elected officials must be held accountable to uphold their
Oath of office!!!

Restore Our Republic

By Signing your own petition for Redress of Grievances Letter

TO MAIL YOU OWN LETTER to the Supreme Court, please follow the instructions in the ‘Send Your Own Letter’ column below.

IF YOU’D LIKE US TO CREATE, PRINT AND SEND YOUR SIGNED LETTER FOR YOU, we need your help to cover our printing, fulfillment and postage costs.  It’s not much, but we’re receiving thousands of requests and need you to chip in to make this work.


Step 1) Send us your gift, we accept all credit cards. 

Step 2) Fill in your Name, Email and Return Address. 


Your letter will be batched and printed in our next shipment to SCOTUS.

When you’ve made your gift, please enter your mailing information below.  Once you’ve made your minimum gift, we will send your letter.  You’ll receive an auto response email after filling in the form below…

Enter your Information
We'll send a letter for you AFTER you have made your payment above...

(Fields with asterisks * are required. Your return address is required, so we can print it on the envelope and send it to the Supreme Court)

Return Address:
Personal Message:
Signature (use your mouse or your finger on mobile to sign, you can click the X to retry)

After you have made your gift, the message will be emailed to you in an automatic reply and we will stamp and mail a letter to the Supreme court if you have made your gift

Send Your Own Letter:

As mentioned in the video cover above, you’ll need two pieces of paper, two envelopes and two stamps.

On each piece of paper express your support of the Brunson case. Both sheets are exactly the same. You can copy and paste our sample letter, or you can print them out from this PDF Link.

1. Download and print 2 copies of the PDF.

2. Sign your name and date both letters. 

3. One copy goes to the Supreme Court, the other copy goes to the Loy Brunson.

If you like, as a way of saying Thank You to the Loy, add a dollar or whatever you want to the envelope you send to Loy.

Loy Brunson has been working on this project for over two years. He has spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars working on this for We The People.

Supreme Court Address:

Supreme Court of the United States
1 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20543

Loy Brunson Address:

Loy Brunson
55 North Merchant Street #1631
American Fork, Utah 84003

For those of you who decided to write your own letter, Please use this form to subscribe for Updates

The docket Button Below will let you view the SCOTUS proceedings and orders docket information...

New Supreme Court Letter

(Items in Parentheses will be filled in from the form)

Supreme Court of the United States
Re: Loy Arlan Brunson v Adams et al / 22-1028
1 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20543

Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.
Associate Justice Clarence Thomas
Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor
Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr.
Associate Justice Elena Kagan.
Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett
Associate Justice Neil M. Gorsuch
Associate Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh
Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson

RE: Loy Arlan Brunson v. Alma S. Adams et al
No. 22-1028

Dear Justices,

I am concerned the United States has experienced a serious security breach and a violation of every citizen’s greatest power in a Republic: voting. I ask that you stand against the adherence of foreign and domestic enemies and uphold the supreme law of the land by granting this petition. We do not believe our elected officials kept their “Oath” of office to defend us from Enemies, Foreign and domestic. You truly are in a position that represents a court system greater than the world has ever seen. This letter is to express my support of the above referenced case.

I, along with the majority of the citizens of this county, are witnessing our great Constitutional Republic being captured and I am left to wonder if it might be by some of these very respondents. I pray for the right and just outcome and I am grateful for your time and consideration.

(your message from the form if you added one)


(your signature from the form)

Name: (your first and last name from the form)
Date: (date your letter is mailed)